William Morris was a famous English architect, furniture designer and textile designer. Voysey is known for his architecture for many country houses. Viysey was one of the first people to understand and appreciate the significance of industrial design. He has been considered one of the pioneers of modern architecture. (Wikipedia Morris, Voysey). "Voysey soon became influenced by the work of Willam Morris, the arts and crafts movement and Art Nouveau, and was concerned with form and function rather than ornamental complexities". He felt that 'simplicity in decoration is one of the essential qualities without which no true richness is possible" and oftern worked in a limited colour palette, "emphasizing outline, eliminating shading and minimizing detail." Voyesy went on to design wallpaper based on the designs of William Morris. He was influenced by his wrk and his patterns and use of color. (Wikipedia, Voysey 1857-1941).