The British Teddy Boy subculture is typified by young men wearing clothes inspired by the styles of the Edwardian period, which Saville Row tailors had tried to re-introduce after World War II. The group got its name after a 1953 newspaper headline shortened Edward to Teddy and coined the term Teddy Boy. This look quickly spread through London and then to the U.K. This look had a close association with American Rock and Roll music. The Teddy Boys were the first group to differentiate themselves from the rest of the teenage groups and helped create a youth market, with their own specific style. The Teddy Boys made it possible for teenagers to dress the way they wanted to and express themselves, other than the clothes they would wear to work, or school. (wikipedia: Teddy Boys). In this photo you will see the typical look of a Teddy Boy, clean cut, the tailored jacket, tie and special hair style, they also wore a popular bootlace tie with their button up shirts. (Photo 1954: A group of Teddy Boys). This style still has influenced fashions today as well. Burberry Men's Fall Winter 2010 collection has a Teddy Boy feel. Clean cut and well put together.
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