A zoot suit is a man's suit that is high-waisted, wide-legged, tight cuffed, pegged trousers and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. This style of clothing was popularized by African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Italian Americans and Filipino Americans during the late 1930's and 1940's. Often zoot suiters also wore a hat with a long feather and pointy French style shoes. Zoot suits first gained popularity in the Harlem Jazz culture in the late 1930's, where they were initially called drapes. The zoot suit became very popular among young Mexican Americans especially pachucos in Los Angeles. This image shows a unknown man wearing a typical zoot suit, 1934. The long jacket, hat, the pointy shoes and of course the chain which was also very popular with the zoot suiters. (wikipedia: zoot suit). You will also see that the zoot suit has influence today on fashion. The current images are from Dior Homme's Spring/Summer 2009 collection. The pants are very similar to the zoot suit style. High waisted and pegged at the bottom.
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